This is a favorite event of mine. Mid-winter break with some great dancing and inventive and challenging choreography. Details:

Winterdances 2023: Longing is Momentum in Disguise (February 2 – February 5) features four premieres where artists activate personal and collective transformation of memory and visibility with a tenderness and fierceness of being. These dances invite us to places within, where empathy and compassion create connection and where limits create worlds we want to live in. Featuring works from UW-Milwaukee Department of Dance faculty Daniel Burkholder, Mair Culbreth, Karlies Kelley, and guest artist Kia Smith, artistic director of the South Chicago Dance Theater. Sound design and percussion by Andy Miller.
Mainstage Theatre Dates/Time:
Thursday – Saturday, February 2 – 4, 2023 7:30 p.m. CT
Sunday, February 5, 2023 2:00 p.m. CTTicket Pricing – In Person:
General – $23
Senior/UWM Faculty & Staff – $18
Student/Youth – $12
UWM Students – $4Ticket Pricing – Livestream:
Single – $18
Household – $33
UWM Dance Majors – $13
More information and to order tickets, click here. UWM’s Mainstage in their Fine Arts building is a very intimate space to experience live dance. I highly recommend it.